Information about Letter of Recommendation Requests


The Request

You do not have to make the request in person. It’s fine to email me to ask for a letter of recommendation. When you make the request, remind me of all the courses you have taken with me and the semester(s)/year(s) of the courses. If you would like to discuss your letter of recommendation, use the link on my Contact page to schedule a meeting.


Make your request at least two weeks before the letter is due.

Basic Information Needed

When you request the letter, I need to know what the letter is for and the date it is due. If I am going to receive an automated email request from the graduate program or agency, I need to know when to expect it because these automated emails sometimes go to my junk folder. If I need to send the letter directly to someone, I need the email address or mailing address. I do not give letters to students to submit.

Documents Needed

Email me information about the job, internship, or graduate program you’re applying to; your resume; your statement of purpose (if applicable); and a bullet point list of any additional information you think would be helpful for me to know that might not appear on your resume.

A Reminder

Feel free to email me a reminder about your letter of recommendation a few days before it is due!